Saturday, June 19, 2010

for glowing skin before the big event:

be sure to

get ample sleep at a decent hour.. the later the hour lesser beneficial time you have for skin repair and rejuvenation.

drink lots of water and chinese culture apples are said to improve the health of skin.

vitamin b is great for lips that are consistantly cracked.. the acid in tomatoes are also believe to add to the stress of cracked lips..

look out for a lip balm that includes all natural ingrediants like beewax and coconut oil.. try TUI BRAND. located in your pharmacy or health food shop..stay away from ones that dont include a majority of natural ingrediants as much as they promise some medicinal treatment, these are usually not very effective. exfoliate lips with wash cloth or soft toothbrush will help encourage softness and fullness.

try a weekly exfoliation with a paste of water and almond meal, also try steamming face over a basin of hot water and lavender essential oil followed by a gentle facial massage with a facial oil.

for ezcema and dry itchy skin try collodial silver in a spray bottle. which you can find in your pharmacy.

best of luck


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